Sunday Summary of Favorite Links

I have been, or can be if you click on a link and make a purchase, compensated via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value for writing this post. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

I would like to make this a regular feature of this blog. I am addicted to Feedly and finding great articles to read. My house would be much cleaner if I would quit reading blogs. Here are some of my favorite finds for the week.


Find books at your local library when shopping At Amazon: I love shopping at Amazon. I love books. And, with a degree in Library Science, I love my library! This is an awesome extension for Chrome. I tested this out and it works very well. It even shows you how many copies are available and allows you to place holds on the items. I added multiple libraries to my extension.

TV Shows Starting in 2017 Based on Books: A list of 11 shows based on books. I am most excited about Anne of Green Gables and A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Cool Stuff on Video:

Freezing Bubbles: Video of the patterns on freezing bubbles.

Sculptures that Look Like Animations But Are Just Sculptures: This is an interesting techie piece of art. Watch the video to see strobe animated sculptures.


How Fast the Average Woman Runs a Mile: I have recently started running again. Based on this article, I just learned that I am a very slow runner. I’m not even sure my kind of running falls under the definition of running. Due to an odd medical condition (a doctor-diagnosed allergy to running), I can’t run at a quick pace or my body will have an allergic reaction. I’m even supposed to carry an Epi-pen when running. My average pace is 12 minutes per mile. The average pace of a typical woman is 9 minutes and 55 seconds per mile according to the data in this article.


Get Your House Guest Ready in 15 Minutes: I am guilty of this..doing the bare minimum to make my house less embarrassing. Even though this article contains helpful tips, it takes me much longer than 15 minutes to complete the tasks listed in this article.

Nutrition and Health:

A Urine Test Can Reveal What You Eat: A urine test has been developed which can tell you just how healthy your diet is. I certainly wouldn’t want to take this test now since I have been eating horribly since the holidays.

Useful Image to Help Detect Breast Cancer: Take a look at the image of citrus fruit in this article so you can know what you might be looking for as part of your self-exam.

CVS has a cheaper alternative to the generic version of the Epi-Pen: Because of my allergy to running, I am supposed to carry an epi-pen. The CVS version is definitely worth considering as it is $109.99 for a two-pack as opposed to the generic version which is $300 for a two-pack.

Obesity is on the rise among kids and teens: There have been more insurance claims in recent years for medical conditions related to type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes conditions among youth under the age of 22. My state of Ohio is one of the states making a high number of medical claims for this problem.

Other Useful or Interesting Information:

Scary personal information made available to anyone and what to do about it: If you have never been to Family Tree Now, follow this link and insert your information. I found it disturbing that this database contains all of my residences for the past 25 years. You can read this article at the link above to learn how to opt-out of having your information included in this database as well as some other similar databases.

I must be a very honest person: According to this article (if you don’t like profanity, don’t read the article), people who curse a lot are more honest. A recent study showed that there is a strong relation between swearing and honesty. The more you cuss, the more honest you are. Now, before you judge me for swearing, please know that I don’t swear in front of my kids. I mainly cuss while driving, cleaning, or doing crafts.

Bumblebees are on the endangered species list: The bumblebee population is declining and can be found in only 13 states. Due to the fact that pollinators are a crucial component of our food supply, this news is disturbing. Maybe I need to add beekeeping as an interest of mine.

Hopefully, you will find some of these links useful or interesting. Feel free to comment below on which article you find the most interesting or beneficial. This way I know what kind of information you seeking.


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