30 Days at Home with Your Kids Because of COVID-19. Tips to get through the next month.

Homeschooling for 30 Days Because of COVID-19

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Stay at Home Tips to Get you Through

Here in Ohio as well as many other states, families have found themselves in a challenging position. We are told to stay at home and to homeschool our children until May 1st due to the coronavirus outbreak. On top of that, many people are working parents and must either work at home with their young kids or find someone else to assume the responsibility of educating or entertaining their children. How do we get through these troubling times and reduce the overwhelm many of us our feeling? Over the next month, join me as I find ways to entertain my kids at home and try to keep our country’s recommendation of social distancing during this national crisis. Below are the topics I will be focusing on for the next few weeks.

Teddy bear with Mask. 31 Days at Home with Your kids because of the coronavirus

Tips for Education at Home

We have started implementing our school curriculum which either comes in from Gradeloc or Power School. Even with the assignments, there is still a lot of monitoring that needs to be done. My high school daughter is used to working independently, but my middle school daughter is not. I have been a homeschool parent in the past and I may be able to help with ideas to keep your kids engaged. One of my fears is that my kids will get on their electronic devices and disappear in their rooms. I already see the devices as a distraction.

Tips for Things to Do with the Family

So much family time! I don’t think my family has had so much together time in years. My kids have been so busy with activities with ballet or with their friends, that we have only had a few scattered hours most weeks with our kids. With most activities, museums, and entertainment venues closed around here, there is no choice but to have a lot of together time with the family. While I welcome this, I’m not sure my teen daughters feel the same. I will be sharing ideas about what we are doing as a family to get through the next several weeks.

coffee cup with "enjoy the little things"
31 Days at Home with Your Kids because of the coronavirus
Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

Tips for Saving Money

Many people are finding themselves suddenly unemployed or have had to deal with huge fluctuations with their investments. I will share how we are making ends meet during this difficult time. I have always been a frugal person and I might be able to show you ways that pinch pennies.

Tips for Developing a Practice of Gratitude

During tough times, one of the best ways to get through it is to practice gratitude. Changes in routine like this can impact a person’s health. When you are suddenly faced with an interruption like this, it’s difficult to put things in perspective. To a child not being able to see their friends face to face (especially when you are a teenager) can seem like the end of the world. Teaching your child to view things from a more rose-colored view can change their perspective and help them see the situation in a more positive light.

Join me for the next 30 days as we navigate this new normal together. Let me know in the comments below about any particular struggles you are having right now because of your new schedule. Then I can better target your specific concerns.

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