All of the links below are my Amazon affiliate links. One of my goals this year is to read more and actually complete several books and this post is about the books I’m currently reading. Because of our stay-at-home situation over the last several months, reading has been easier for me. Because my trips to …
Things For 13-Year-Olds to Do When Bored at Home
Do you have a teen looking for some things to do because they are bored? Since our kids are at home all the time because of social distancing, it is difficult to keep them entertained. They don’t get to physically see their friends and many parents must work during the day. Being stuck at home …
20 Quotes to Encourage Self-Care
If you are following along in my 30 days of Homeschooling Series, welcome to the first day. I’m starting the first day off by talking about your self-care and giving you my favorite self-care quotes. I’m sure you’ve heard the oxygen mask practice…that you must take care of yourself before you take care of the …
Homeschooling for 30 Days Because of COVID-19
Stay at Home Tips to Get you Through [mailerlite_form form_id=2]